Mother's Day in the United States, the second Sunday of May, was first proclaimed around 1870 by Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation, and Howe called for it to be observed each year nationally in 1872. As originally envisioned, Howe's "Mother's Day" was a call for pacifism and disarmament by women. The original Mother's Day Proclamation was as follows;
Michael Moore to Sicko - Fuck Off!

It is like snow

Limbaugh takes major stock loss
The manufacturer of the potent painkiller OxyContin and three current and former executives at the company yesterday pleaded guilty to falsely marketing the drug in a way that played down its addictive properties and led to scores of people becoming addicted, prosecutors said. The Purdue Frederick Co. and its chief executive, top lawyer, and former medical chief agreed to pay a total of $635 million to resolve charges filed by the U.S. attorney in the Western District of Virginia, who called OxyContin "one of our nation's greatest prescription-drug failures."
[I'm not sure Oxycontin is a total 'failure'. After all, it did make Limbaugh go deaf. Now if we could only find a drug to make the asshole go mute.]
Line keeps getting snagged

The River Tigris has long been a symbol of prosperity in Iraq but since the US-led invasion in 2003, this amazing watercourse has turned into a graveyard of bodies.
Bush's brain is an atheist?
"While reading a hilarious New York magazine interview with Christopher Hitchens, I came across the news that Karl Rove is a apparently an atheist. Really?"
No such fucking luck!

They stood up - So let's leave
Radical Shiite politicians pressed Thursday for legislation demanding a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led troops and a freeze on the number of foreign forces already in the country — even as the U.S. Congress debates the fate of the troubled mission. The proposed Iraqi legislation, drafted by the parliamentary bloc loyal to anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, was signed by 144 members of the 275-member house.
Wouldn't pay for the glue

Now, it seems, it's Amazon's turn. Mary Cheney's "My Turn" has turned up used on for just seven cents.
In deep shit
Rescuers cut through a filtration tank of dense fish feces to reach four workers who fell into the sludgy dung Friday while cleaning the 18-foot tank at a western Massachusetts farm.The workers became trapped for 45 minutes after a bracket holding a plastic filtration pad collapsed as workers stood on it to clean the fiberglass tank at the Australis Aquaculture fish farm, said Turners Falls Fire Capt. David Dion and the fish farm's manager, Josh Goldman.One of the farmhands was submerged in what Dion described as a sand-and-feces mix, while the other three had their heads above the sludge, he said.
Today a long time ago
At the urging of President James K. Polk, Congress approved the annexation of Texas on March 1, 1845. Polk also sent representatives to Mexico to negotiate the purchase of what are today New Mexico and California, but the Mexicans refused and both sides sent troops to the Texas-Mexico border. U.S. forces, led by future President Zachary Taylor, provoked an incident with the Mexican army, and Polk quickly obtained a declaration of war from Congress on May 13, 1846.
King Herod's Tomb

Fat Dad

Snap, Crackle and What?
A US boy was horrified to discover the "Rice Krispies" sound he was hearing was being caused by two spiders living in his ear. Jesse Courtney, of Oregon, told his mother Diana that he kept hearing popping and crackling noises. Concerned about her son's health, she took him to the doctor. The consultant found a pair of arachnids in nine-year-old Jesse's ear canal, which were flushed out with water. Jesse said: "They were walking on my eardrum and I kept hearing this popping sound like Rice Krispies."

Nice Lineage
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act...
62 million people were that dumb?

20 Grand a week
The average Senatorial campaign now costs over $6 million. That means Senators have to raise $20,000 every week for the entire 6 year term to stay even. Is there any wonder?

The Compubeaver, designed by Los Angeles resident Kasey McMahon, took three months to build and is literally stuffed full of the latest computer technology, including an Intel Core Duo processor, 160 gigabyte hard drive, and even a DVD burner so you can record your favorite TV programs off the National Geographic channel.
Walkin' the Walk
The Clinton Foundation has announced deals with two Indian generic drug companies to cut prices of AIDS treatment for second line antiretroviral drugs for 66 developing countries.
"Seven million people in the developing world are in need of treatment for HIV/AIDS. We are trying to meet that need with the best medicine available today," said former US president Bill Clinton.
And he wouldn't even say, 'AIDS'
"If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house," he said, "he has a right to do so." - Ronald Reagan [wouldn't even utter the word]

The Limbaugh/HD Award
This week's winner of the Limbaugh/HD Award is House Minority Leader, the man who'd make a great used car salesman, Mr. John Boehner.
Boy what a week...These beautiful spring days make it very difficult to keep the committee focused and we once again had a very close vote for this week's award. In fact, I had to intercede to break a tie between Boehner and Tony Snow. But in the end, I just couldn't vote for a guy with ass-cancer - Liar or not.
And to add to the madness, Georgia's Governor, Sonny Perdue, told a huge whopper Friday on Bill Bennett's radio show when he stated, “The president [sic] did not choose war..." - Several committee members insisted on a re-vote but once again I had to intercede and close the vote for Boehner. But I did promise that since Ole 'Sonny Boy' Perdue's lie is so egregious, and since he told it after this week's vote, he will be a nominee for next week's award.
But John Boehner just had to be the winner of the award given each week here at ‘done that’, since the lie he told is the same lie that one of namesakes of the Limbaugh/HD Award has also told.
Here’s what Boehner said on the House floor this week;
“But I’m going to remind all of my colleagues that all of our members in this chamber, except one — all of our members in this chamber, Democrat and Republican, except one — voted to send our troops to Iraq”. (see video here)
Now everyone familiar with ‘Dank Hagny’ over at Liar’s Quorum knows he’s a pathological liar and a rather dumb one at that. But, this is the Republican ‘Leader’ in the House of Representatives and you would expect him to be little smarter, and more honest, than some ignorant America-hating chickenhawk who runs a blog for liars and idiots, wouldn’t you?
That same lie was told at Liar’s Quorum back about a year ago and when Dank and ‘Lycfyg’ (note: they are the same person) were called on it by Patriot Will, Dank whines and whimpers that it was ‘nitpicking’ and ‘wordsmithing’. That’s an interesting response isn’t it? He leads off his blog story with a blatant lie and he thinks it’s irrelevant?
You will also notice that 'Will' called him on another lie just a couple of paragraphs later when the dumbass writes that it was Jimmy Carter who ‘gave the North Koreans nuclear power in the first place”. What a lying moron.
Dank writes two ignorant and ridiculous lies in a matter of four paragraphs and he accuses ‘Will’ of ‘nitpicking’ for calling him on it. That 'my fellow Americans' (LOL!) is undeniable proof that Dank has a habitual problem with the facts.
You know Dank (the great debater-lol!) is a pathetic and defeated little puppy when that's all he can come back with. That's the way it is at Liar's Quorum - if they're not moderating, blocking and deleting your comments they just flat-out deny the obvious regardless of the facts.
And you will notice that once Dank realizes he’s cornered like a rat he has his alter ego, Lycfyg, interject that poor little ‘Dank’ was confused. He’s not smart enough to know that Afghanistan is spelled with an ‘A’ and Iraq, with an ‘I’. [note; in fairness to ‘Dank’, I did hear that when he plays the other characters, ‘Lycfyg' or ‘Mike’, he actually has three separate chairs and uses a different one for each character]
But we already know the America-hating boys at Liar’s Quorum are factually-challenged since after all, not everybody gets an award for lying named after them.
The big concern this country should have is that we know liars like the ‘danks’ and ‘4putts’ out there are insignificant, harmless and full of misinformation, but when the House Minority Leader starts laying those types of egregious lies on the public from the House floor, it’s time to give that asshole the 12th Limbaugh/HD Award - Given here weekly to the biggest liar of the week.
Congratulations, Mr. Minority Leader. You're #12.
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh/HD Award
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07
I love you, Billy ~ 5/15/51 - 5/13/92