Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda stronger than ever

When [George] Bush talks about Osama bin Laden these days, it's usually to rally support for the U.S. effort in Iraq. Last month, he told an audience that bin Laden and his al Qaeda network "have made it clear they want to drive us from Iraq to establish safe haven in order to launch further attacks." But over the past year, U.S. intelligence agencies have completely revised their assessment of al Qaeda and reached an alarming conclusion: Bin Laden already has a safe haven-in Pakistan-and may be stronger than ever.
When you divert 90% of your troops and resources to an unnecessary boondoggle instead of remaining focused on what should be your unrelenting goal, this is the result you get.

Failed and corrupt leadership and an ignorant and a sheepish populace have resulted in the needless sacrifice of so much while accomplishing nothing.