On his radio show late last week, Boortz "speculated that "[w]hen the history of this event is written ... we will have 25 students standing meekly waiting for this guy to execute them" and then aired an instrumental version of the Pat Benatar song "Hit Me With Your Best Shot."
Boortz also "went on to reiterate that "Mark Steyn has it right [about the Virginia Tech shootings]. We have produced a culture of passivity."*
But you know there's something a little ironic and hypocritical about Neal Boortz criticizing today's young men of being meek or from a "culture of passivity".
He must have been 'produced' during a "culture of passivity", too. Because when I check out his (Bio), things just don't seem to add up.
Neal Boortz was born on April 6, 1945, and describes himself as a 'military brat' whose father was a Marine pilot during WWII. He's from a 'military family', so naturally he lived most of his life on military bases. He graduated from high school in 1963 and went to Texas A&M from 1963-1967 - Where, he even joined the 'Corp of Cadets' - Preparing himself for his life-long dream of receiving a military commission.
Are you getting a picture of a young college-aged Neal Boortz? Absolutely no 'passivity' when referring to this strapping 22 year old, life-long militarily trained, always prepared to react and certainly ready and raring to serve his country after completing his training at A&M! - I mean, what the hell, it was 1967 and the U.S. military was taking boys wearing pink panties at that time - so certainly Neal Boortz had to be already on that plane heading for Nam the day after graduation!
But, something happened - Neal didn't go Vietnam. He didn't continue his family's tradition of military service either. There is nothing in his bio about that. Not a word.
WTF, Neal? You 'went to law school' instead of going off to kick some ass in Nam? In 1967 your country badly needed tough young men like you who were trained their whole lives to 'react' - We weren't sending any fucking lawyers to Nam in 1967! Or wait...does that bio say that, or is it just implied you went to law school right after A&M? Oh, I see, farther down the page it says, "In 1974, Boortz started attending law school".
Damn, that's a big gap ... 1967 - 74? That was the peak of the Vietnam War days. Our country was looking for a lot of men already trained militarily during those years. You know - Tough Republican men who weren't 'passive' or 'meek'?
Maybe the reason Boortz didn't go to Nam had something to do with his 'draft lottery number' being #253? ...But, he was a 'military brat'...a 'cadet'...the son of a Marine pilot...Those types of heroes don't wait around for lottery numbers, they react and get involved when the shit hits the fan.... ...Unless, of course, they're just loudmouth chickenhawks themselves.
There's nothing funny about the 32 people being murdered at Virginia Tech. It's beneath human dignity to mock innocent victims with a Pat Benatar song like that. To accuse them of being passive and meek and somehow responsible for their own deaths is a serious and damning charge for some one who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Especially from Boortz, since it's pretty obvious he was a bit 'meek' and 'passive', when it was his turn to stand up and do something. ....Maybe he oughta just shut up.
(*Boortz' quotes from MFA)