Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cheney: How dare her fuck up our war!

The evidence of White House involvement behind the Israeli Prime Minister’s statement has been growing this past week. Middle East analysts have suggested Bush deputy National Security Adviser Elliot Abrams— a close ally of Dick Cheney — may have been coordinating the attempts to undermine Pelosi’s trip. “‘It’s obvious the White House is desperate to find some phony criticism of the speaker’s trip, even though it was a bipartisan trip,’ said Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), a Holocaust survivor who is considered the Democrat closest to the pro-Israel lobby. ‘I have nothing but contempt and disdain for the attempt to undermine this trip.’”
Here you have Dick Cheney's office trying to undermine an effort for peace. It didn't work and not only that, but the warmongering Republicans will pay a heavy price for these shenanigans.

The lies, the deceit, and the treasonous acts of these criminals are catching up to them. And it's long overdue.

Note - don't miss the part in the linked article from 'Jewish News' that states;
Such backdoor statecraft between the White House and Olmert would not be unprecedented.

Last year, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice talked Olmert into a 48-hour cease-fire during the war with Hezbollah to allow humanitarian relief, but within hours Israeli planes were bombing again, to Rice’s surprise and anger. Olmert had received a call, apparently from Cheney’s office, telling him to ignore Rice.
You see, Dick Cheney is such an egregious motherfucker that he'd undermine anyone, Republican or Democrat, to continue war and prevent peace.