"They blew up their poster boy"
Your share of the Debt
The national debt on March 23: $8,833,314,770,545.61
Your share of the national debt: $29,303.34
The national debt on March 24: $8,834,221,160,773.59
Your share of the national debt: $29,305.63
(note the debt increased $906 million in 24 hours)
Homeland Insecurity
"For decades, the Army has kept a brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division on round-the-clock alert, poised to respond to a crisis anywhere in 18 to 72 hours. Today, the so-called ready brigade is no longer so ready. Its soldiers are not fully trained, much of its equipment is elsewhere, and for the past two weeks the unit has been far from the cargo aircraft it would need in an emergency.
No waterboarding or organ failure
In Tehran today, Iranian officials claimed to have confessions from 15 captured British Royal Navy personnel — eight sailors and seven Marines, reportedly including one woman — who were taken at gunpoint by armed Iranians.
Six strikes and you're out!
U.S. attorneys show that federal prosecutors in Texas generally have declined to bring criminal charges against illegal immigrants caught crossing the border — until at least their sixth arrest.
Those sons-of-bitches!

The Senate voted 38-28 Thursday against giving the honorary degree to Bush, who left office in January.
News Flash!
California, the most progressive state in the country, doesn't have a narrow-minded, bigoted, phony-conservative, as their Governor.
Another bad day in the Motor City
BAGHDAD, March 24 -- More than 45 Iraqis were killed and dozens injured in suicide bombings across Iraq on Saturday, officials said, as insurgents stepped up their offensives against the Iraqi police and military.

An uncommon criminal
Federal prosecutors took the first steps toward reducing the prison sentence of former Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, currently scheduled for release in 2011 for a Florida fraud conviction.
They are dying to be there
For US troops from 9th Cavalry Regiment bumping around the dangerous streets of Baghdad in Humvees after dark on Monday, news that their deployment in Iraq could be extended fell like a hammer blow. Their commanders had cautioned that their second one-year tour due to end in October could be prolonged while US President George W. Bush later warned troops it was too soon to "pack up and go home."
The expletives during the four-hour night patrol turned the air in the Humvee, already thick with cigarette smoke, a dark shade of blue. "We just want to get out of here as soon as possible," said one vehicle commander in one of his few printable comments.
Added yet another, "Bush can come fight here. He can take my 1,000 dollars a month and I'll go home."
Today a long time ago
On Sunday 25 March 1655 there was a battle on and around the banks of the River Severn in what is now the state of Maryland, USA. It was small as battles go: only 400 or so men altogether were involved, of whom 19 were killed during battle, and 4 were executed afterwards. It was the final battle of the Civil War. Not the American Civil War, but the English Civil War in which the King of England, Charles I, was put on trial and beheaded, and his son....
Just like an Egyptian
February 2003 – A month before the U.S. invasion – "IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei told the United Nations that nuclear experts had found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He said “We have to date found no evidence of ongoing prohibited nuclear or nuclear-related activities in Iraq.” John Bolton – former US ambassador to the United Nations – responded by saying this is “impossible to believe.”
The Limbaugh Award
This week's winner of the Limbaugh Award U.S. Attorney General, Alberto "Fredo" Gonzales
"I was not involved in seeing any memos, was not involved in any discussions about what was going on … That’s basically what I knew as attorney general" - Alberto Gonzales - 3/12/07
3/23/07-Justice Department Releases Documents
"Among the 280 documents released by the Justice Department to congressional investigators is an e-mail detailing a meeting between Gonzales and senior aides on Nov. 27, 2006 — 10 days before the dismissals were carried out."Fredo" was a good, solid and easy choice for the Limbaugh/HD award this week. Our nation's Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales is not only a proven liar, but he's also a pathetic little wimp, which makes him a good fit, as well.
Last week, Gonzales said he was not involved in the details of the plan, saying, "I never saw documents. We never had a discussion about where things stood."
"How could the attorney general say he never had a discussion about where things stood when he attended an hour-long meeting on that very subject?" asked Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y."
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh Award
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy-Brit Hume-3/11/07
VA Secretary-Jim Nicholson-3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann-(R-MN)-2/25/07