Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Pardon? Bush sure has a precedent

Yesterday's headline on the National Review Editors; "Pardon Libby"

"President Bush should pardon I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. The trial that concluded in a guilty verdict on four of five counts conclusively proved only one thing: A White House aide became the target of a politicized prosecution set in motion by bureaucratic infighting and political cowardice. NRO-3/6/07
George W. Bush will undoubtedly pardon Scooter Libby of his felony convictions for perjury and obstruction of justice. If the Bush's are known for anything, it's pardoning the very same people who can testify against them if they don't.

Bush Daddy, famous for his role in Ronnie Reagan's Contra/Let's give Hezbollah Missiles Scam, (aka Iran/Contra) pardoned Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, Robert McFarlane and three lower level criminals on Christmas Eve 1992 - Just weeks before leaving office Bush Daddy granted pardons for the six men who had the goods on him and they all escaped prosecution for arming our nation's enemies.

Bush does have precedence here with pardoning Scooter. Like Daddy, like son.

And by the way, here's what the editor of the National Review, Rich Lowry, wrote about Bill Clinton when he 'lied under oath';
"Clinton had lied under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky in sworn testimony in the Paula Jones sexual-harassment case, and suggested to others that they lie. The very purpose of the independent-counsel statute was to keep presidents from committing such crimes against the truth. Starr wouldn't have been doing his job if he ignored Clinton's conduct in the case."
Another real consistent set of wingnuts, huh? "Doing his job"? The very same damn thing can be said about Patrick Fitzgerald, Richie.

When Ken Starr and the Republican congress spent five years and $100 million dogging Bill Clinton there wasn't any 'politicized prosecution' going on then was there, Mr. Lowry?