Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jim Webb is on a mission

...But, he better hurry

Virginia's freshman Senator, James Webb, doesn't trust George W. Bush. After all, Webb isn't a fool. Webb wrote a bill that 'prohibit[s] the use of funds for military operations in Iran', unless Bush get's prior authorization from Congress.
Prohibits funds from being obligated or expended for military operations or activities within or above Iran's territory or within Iran's territorial waters except pursuant to a specific congressional authorization enacted after the date of the enactment of this Act. - S.759 full text
Webb is also busy protecting our troops from the abuses they have experienced over the last four years by the Bush administration and the previous, Republican-led Congress.

Hagel-Webb Introduce Amendment to Protect U.S. Troops and Limit Deployments

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Jim Webb (D-VA) introduced a bipartisan amendment today to the Iraq War supplemental spending bill. The amendment:

• ensures that units and individuals in the Armed Forces be certified as “fully mission capable” 15 days prior to deployment;

• limits the length of overseas deployments of the Army, Marine Corps, and National Guard;

• establishes a minimum time between deployments for the Army, Marine Corps and National Guard;

• provides additional appropriations totaling approximately $3.1 billion to reset Army National Guard and Reserve equipment and to address funding shortfalls for Army National Guard training, operations and maintenance; and to fund the acquisition of additional Mine Resistant Ambush Protection vehicles for the Marine Corps;

• and requires the President to report to Congress on the comprehensive diplomatic, political and economic strategy of the U.S. regarding Iraq. Hagel/Webb amendment
The people of the Commonwealth of Virginia should be congratulated by the entire nation for electing Jim Webb, and for kicking George Allen's stupid ass to the curb.

Thanks Virginia!
