California Republican Congressman, Jerry Lewis, who would actually be sharing a prison cell with Duke Cunningham right now if Alberto Gonzales had not fired U.S. Attorney, Carol Lam, displayed another common trait of his party; Lewis showed his disdain for our troops by trying to add an amendment to an Appropriations Bill passed by the House. Lewis' amendment would eliminate the Bill's provision that restricts 'the use of troops who are not properly equipped or trained' from being sent to Iraq.
How despicable can Lewis get? I mean, you can disagree on timetables, but what kind of man can stand up before Congress and try to remove a provision that guarantees our troops are properly trained or can't be sent to Iraq without the proper equipment?
And, don't even try to say sending our troops to Iraq without the proper training has no effect. We know better, don't we?
Watch John Murtha rip Jerry Lewis a new one, here. (h/t TP)