Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The U.S. needs some diplomacy

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem welcomes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

George W. Bush doesn't have any strong points - if you can think of any, let's hear it - and one of his and his administration's weakest points is without a doubt, diplomacy.

In fact, Bush has been the worst thing diplomatically to happen to this country in its 231 year history.

Can you name one, just one single country in the entire world that has a more favorable view of the U.S. now then when Bush took office?

Of course you can't name one because there are none. Not Britain, not Canada, not Luxembourg, not one.

It's great to see Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, or Republicans like Robert Aderholt, Joe Pitts, Frank Wolf and David Hobson go to Syria in effort to open a dialogue. Who do you think could do this, Condi Rice or Dick Cheney? They're almost as big a joke as their boss.

Isn't it funny that Bush didn't mention in his press conference any of those Republicans who also went to Syria? Of course, that would require some semblance of integrity from him and we all know he doesn't have any of that.

This bullshit talk about the executive branch is the only branch of government that has foreign policy 'rights', is just that; Bullshit.

When you have a president as incompetent, pathetically ignorant and just plain stupid as George W. Bush, you change that policy and get to work undoing the damage done to the country.

Isolate Bush. Ignore his stupid ass.

You go Pelosi! Go to anywhere in the world you want to go to and let them know we're not all as pathetic as Bush and the few who still ignorantly follow him. Some one has to get this country back on track and Bush has already more than proven he's incapable of doing it.