Friday, March 16, 2007

Anti-Labor Bush veto will be overidden!

Democrats have 60 Votes and Tim Johnson in the bullpen

The Senate voted 60-38 to approve legislation “to implement many of the remaining reforms suggested by the Sept. 11 commission.” Ten Republicans crossed party lines to approve the measure; Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) skipped the vote to fund raise in California. Bush has threatened to veto the bill “over a provision to expand the labor rights of 45,000 airport screeners.” Roll Call
The thirty-eight Republicans that voted against this legislation, and George Bush who has said he'd veto it, either don't care about securing our country by implementing the 9/11 recommendations or they're just against giving workers' rights.

Regardless, with Tim Johnson, Democrats and the 10 Republicans who joined them have enough votes (61) to override Bush's veto, in another nice anticipated smackdown.