Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why's your neighbor so stupid?

Rush Limbaugh-1/26/07
Wouldn't you say that if 821 Americans out of a troop force of 150,000 died in one year -- haven't worked up the percentages on this -- but you might have a better chance of living, going to war, than living in certain cities where the crime rate's out of control.

Rush Limbaugh-1/31/07
"There were 821 deaths in Iraq, troop-related deaths last year; 406 in one American city [Philadelphia]."

A January 31 Reuters article reported that 406 homicides occurred in Philadelphia in 2006. Philadelphia is a city of 1,406,415 people, according to the most recent U.S. Census data. Therefore, in 2006 Philadelphia had a death rate of almost 29 for every 100,000 people. By contrast, as Limbaugh noted, the number of American military deaths in Iraq 2006 was 821. According to the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index, the number of American troops in Iraq in 2006 fluctuated between 126,900 and 144,000. That makes the death rate for American soldiers in Iraq at least 570 for every 100,000 troops (using the highest number of troops that were in Iraq in 2006) -- far higher than that of Philadelphia. MMFA

Because he repeats what Rush tells him!