Sunday, February 11, 2007

Crazy Evangelicals Sunday

Evangelist Jerry Falwell, the Republican Party's Chaplain, and the svengali of rightwing's base, is back spewing his venom about the country going to Hell and he's longing for those good old days back in the 30's and 40's. You know, when everyone knew their place and if you forgot your place, Jerry's daddy and uncles would show you where it was.

"It is a long road back. We are at least one U.S. Supreme Court Justice short of a socially conservative court," Falwell said on the sidelines of an evangelist conference in Dallas.

By a long road back Falwell was referring to his youth in the 1930s and 1940s -- a period he feels brought out the best in a strong nation that adhered to "old fashioned values".

Pat Robertson threatens to kill man and his family

A plaintiff in a federal lawsuit against Pat Robertson says the televangelist threatened his life and that of his family at a legal proceeding Wednesday in the Norfolk federal courthouse.

The accuser, Phillip Busch, is suing Robertson for misappropriation of his image in the promotion of Robertson's protein diet shake.

According to a complaint Busch filed with the Norfolk police, Robertson entered a room in the courthouse Wednesday afternoon to be questioned for a deposition - an out-of-court form of testimony - and told Busch: "I am going to kill you and your family."