Friday, February 16, 2007

Dow Jones hits new record high

The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high yesterday when it closed at 12,765. You got to hand it to George W. Bush when it comes to the Dow, that's for sure. Or do you?

The day Bush was granted the Presidency the DJIA was 10,588 and yesterday it closed at 12,765, which is a 20.6% increase in the six years he's been in office. That's an average increase of about 3.4% a year. Over that same six years the average consumer price index, or more commonly known as, the rate of inflation, has been approximately 2.7%. That nets you a .7 increase over the last six years.

Now let's take a look at what the DJIA did during Bush's predecessor’s time in office. When Bill Clinton took his oath of office on January 21, 1993, the DJIA was 3,253. When he left office it was 10,588-a whopping 226% increase!! For those of you who inspect auto parts for a living, or don't have your calculator handy, that's an astounding 28% YEARLY increase!

Oh, but you say, you're comparing an entire eight years with just six years. Ok, I'll give you that. When Clinton had been in office that same six year time-frame, or on February 16, 1999, the DOW was at 9,297, which is a meager 186% increase!

So, let's compare Bush's first six years with the DJIA to Bill Clinton's first six years:

Wow. I guess that 'record high' is a little misleading, huh? We need another Democrat in the White House.

Check my facts here.

January 21, 1993 - 3,253
January 20, 2001 - 10,588 225.5%

February 16, 1999 - 9,297 185.8%

January 21, 2001 - 10,588
February 15, 2007 - 12,765 20.6%

All you Bush-suck ups, don't you just hate when someone actually takes the time and does the research to give you the facts?