Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Are 30.4% still that stupid?

In Gallup's 30,655 interviews last year, Democrats had a party affiliation edge of 3.9 percentage points: 34.3 percent of respondents called themselves Democrats, 30.4 percent labeled themselves Republicans, and 33.9 percent identified themselves as independents.

When independents were "pushed" -- that is, asked which party they leaned toward -- the Democratic advantage ballooned to 10.2 points: 50.4 percent to 40.2 percent for Republicans. That's the biggest advantage either party has enjoyed since Gallup began pushing leaners in 1991 -- and it is significant.
It took six long years of George Bush and a Republican Congress screwing up everything imaginable for the majority of this country to realize what a bunch of losers Republicans are and to get us back on track. From the Republicans' record budget deficits, record trade deficits, chronic under-employment, higher unemployment, low job creation, record pork-barrel spending, unnecessary wars that cost trillions with so many lives wasted, etc, etc - What the fuck took them so long?