Bush Plans Fiscal 2008 Budget of About $2.9 Trillion
George W. Bush plans to send Congress a "constrained" fiscal 2008 budget of about $2.9 trillion that would cut some domestic programs, including farm subsidies, his budget director said.
"It'll be roughly that," Rob Portman, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said in an interview. "It'll be under $3 trillion."
Only the Republicans, the 'phony-conservative' party, could claim 'constraint' when presenting an almost $3 trillion budget!
Bill Clinton's last budget was $1.863 trillion, so some simple math will tell you that Bush and the all Republican Congress have increased the budget well over $1 trillion in seven short years. That happens to be an increase of almost 8% (7.95%) every year these jackasses have controlled government! Bill Clinton averaged a mere 3.55% increase annually in his 8 years.
Yeah, you gotta love these conservatives!
And, for any of you 'phony-conservatives' who long for those golden years of Ronald Reagan? He only averaged a 7% increase every year he was in office; leaving us with a couple trillion in debt from his 8 years.
Republicans-the Party of big spenders! They can't lead and they shouldn't be trusted to control the purse strings of our national treasury. And that's not hyperbole, that's a historical fact, backed by fact!