Monday, January 15, 2007

Why are people so ignorant of history?

The following headline appears tonight at the top of Buzzflash;

U.S. in national crisis, majority tell Pollster Zogby. "Nation Now Needs a New Reagan or FDR." We'll take the FDR option, please.

At least Buzzflash is smart enough to pick the right choice between Roosevelt and Reagan. Unfortunately, the American public, long known for its ignorance of history, is not. In fairness, blaming the entire country of being ignorant of history is not exactly right, it's primarily Republicans who are, but that isn't very surprising, is it?

Zogby ran a poll asking which President they wish could lead this country in our moment of 'national crisis', since of course, our current president is by far the worst President in the history of the United States.

But, Ronald Reagan? Does a man who secretly authorized the sale of thousands TOW and HAWK missiles to Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists, just two years after those same terrorists murdered over 300 of our Marines in Beirut, Lebanon, deserve to be considered a 'great leader'? Are 57% of Republicans either that forgetful or that pathetically ignorant?
"Americans long for the leadership qualities of the most popular Democratic and Republican presidents of the modern era to solve what a wide majority considers a national crisis, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.

The survey of 843 likely voters nationwide was conducted Jan. 5-9, 2007, and carries a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percentage points.

Offered thumbnail descriptions of the presidential qualities, including the names of five of the greatest American Presidents – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan – respondents nationwide said Reagan’s qualities are most sought after, with FDR a very close second. Twenty–eight percent said they would prefer someone like Reagan, whose "far-sighted vision" and who "persevered despite harsh criticism from enemies and was firm in pursuing his agenda." Nearly as many (26%) said they preferred the “pragmatism and hopefulness of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who inspired a nation in trouble and championed the needs of the downtrodden.

...It comes as no surprise Republican respondents overwhelmingly believe America is most in need of the guidance Reagan would provide – 57% of Republicans say the nation needs a president like Reagan, while 18% said it is time for a president with Lincoln’s attributes. But only 9% of Democrats believe the nation is in need of a president like Reagan." Zogby continued here.
For any of you who doubt Reagan wasn't guilty of supplying Hezbollah with missiles, go here and find out for yourself. I'll leave you with my favorite Ronald Reagan quote;
"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."
Ronald Reagan doesn't deserve anything but disdain from this country and those who now say otherwise, are ignorant of history.