Thursday, January 18, 2007

Who's 'base' is leading this charge?

What does it say about the Republican Party when Rudy Giuliani, a pro-choice, pro gay rights, gun-control advocating, three-time married, adulterous, New Yorker, is leading the GOP caucus in Iowa?

And then you have John Edwards, a man who isn't running toward the 'center', convincingly leading the Democrats.

I'll tell you what it says; The Republican Party is in shambles and the narrow-minded religious base that runs that Party, are going to go extinct and this country will be a hell of a lot better off when they do.

Say halleluiah!!

A Zogby poll out this afternoon is the latest red meat from Iowa, and it's just too good to make you wait until tomorrow's Hotline to read the results. Ex-Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) reclaims his lead at the top of the Dem heap with a whopping 27%, while on the GOP side, things remain close between ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Sen. John McCain. The results, after the jump.

Dems:Edwards 27% Obama 17% Vilsack: 16% Clinton: 16% Biden: 3% Kerry 3% Kucinich 1% Richardson 1% Not Sure: 13%

GOP:Giuliani: 19% McCain: 17% Gingrich: 13% Rice: 9% Romney: 5% Tancredo: 2% Hagel: 2% Brownback: 1% Not Sure: 22%