Against the advice of our Generals we will now escalate a campaign that never should have happened in the first place.
Does anybody remember Bush saying this just months ago;
"That’s the way I will continue to conduct the war. I’ll listen to generals. ... I’m going to tell you I’ve got great confidence in General John Abizaid and General George Casey. These are extraordinary men who understand the difficulties of the task." George Bush - Sept. 15, 2006Well, he fired those two Generals when they didn't go along with this asinine strategy of escalation.
Congress needs to start the impeachment process of both Bush and Cheney and let's get our country back to where it needs to be.
Bring our men and women home from Bush's moronic adventure. No surge, no escalation...$500 billion, over 3,000 dead and 22,000 wounded...and all over a situation that should never have happened.