Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Shut the fuck up!

A scathing, blistering and extremely well written, smack-down of the do-nothing Republicans. Written by Nancy Gregg of DU, and long, long overdue.


"So now as the Democrats do what you could have done but wouldn’t, and achieve what you should have achieved but didn’t, you sit and whine like shocked-and-awed school children, outraged as the teacher awards gold stars to the students who did their homework, while you are relegated to the back of the classroom, dismissed as too lazy and ignorant to deserve attention.

...You have the right to remain silent. It is a right you would be well advised to exercise in the coming months, along with an invocation of the Fifth Amendment as you are asked, under oath, to explain your complicity in crimes against the citizens of this country, and against the citizens of the world.

Or, to put it in terms even the dumbest Republican can understand, it’s time to shut the fuck up. And if you take umbrage at that expression, remember that you found that four-letter expletive perfectly acceptable when your vice president used it on the Senate floor.

Yes, shut the fuck up. It is an expression that is crude and distasteful, and denotes a total lack of respect for those who it is aimed at – and I cannot think of a more appropriate time to use it, nor a more deserving group of people to say it to."