Sunday, January 28, 2007

The NY Post's Deborah Orin dies at 59

The New York Post's Washington bureau chief, Deborah Orin-Eilbeck, died Sunday of cancer at age 59, a newspaper spokesman said.

Orin-Eilbeck, who died at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, started her career at the Post in 1977 after working for a Long Island newspaper, spokesman Howard Rubenstein said. She was named Washington bureau chief in 1988.

George Bush and his wife, Laura, said they were saddened to learn of Orin-Eilbeck's death. They noted in a
statement issued Sunday that Orin-Eilbeck had covered every presidential campaign since 1980.

Deb Orin was a real political hack for the right wing in this country...

A 'piece' by Orin from November 17, 2006

FORGET "The Devil Wears Prada the hot show in Washington is "The Shrew Adores Armani." In just a few short days, House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi has turned into a caricature of the shrill, petty woman boss.

Armani-loving Pelosi demanded, in heavy-handed diva fashion, that House Democrats back her ethics-challenged antiwar crony, Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), as her chief deputy - acting as if she's the queen whose word must be law.

But it all blew up in her face; Murtha lost 149-86 to Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), a onetime Pelosi rival whom she wants to keep squashed down. So Pelosi's first move as House leader left her a big-time loser.