Friday, January 19, 2007

Libby wants brainless idiots on his jury

Fitzgerald pushes back in Libby trial
Special prosecutor says jury members' war views not relevant

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald pushed back today against defense attorneys who have been weeding Bush administration critics out of the jury pool in the perjury trial of former White House aide "Scooter" Libby.

...The makeup of the jury pool is a critical pretrial issue. Libby plans to tell jurors that despite what prosecutors say, he didn't lie to investigators. He says he was bogged down by national security issues and simply didn't remember the conversations about Plame correctly.

If jurors come to the trial already skeptical about the credibility of Libby or Cheney, attorneys say they won't get a fair trial.
Okay, now let's get serious here for a moment. If you're an honest human being, and have any intellectual integrity whatsoever, then there is no way possible that you are not skeptical of Dick Cheney's, or Scooter Libby's 'credibility'.

The only people left in this country who do not know that Dick Cheney has no credibility are the neo-cons who helped him lie our way into the war in Iraq, and a handful of simple-minded Republicans, who are still too embarrassed to admit they fell for it.