You may recall that right-wing hate-monger Ann Coulter was accused of voter fraud not too long ago, for registering to vote using her real estate agent’s address. Now it turns out she may have used the same address to register a driver’s license—meaning Coulter could be charged with two third-degree felonies and one misdemeanor, if only someone would prosecute the case. Continued
(This hateful scarecrow of a bitch is normal? Check out that hand and wrist)

In typical Republican fashion, Melanie Morgan is a whiny-ass hypocrite and this hate-mongering bitch is getting a little payback from Media Matters. Morgan over the years has led boycott efforts against Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, the Dixie Chicks and others but now that Media Matters has been successful in getting major advertisers to her radio show to drop her as a client, she's whining that it's unfair and against her first amendment rights. She's so typical of the hypocrites on the right.
Head over to Media Matters and sign the petition to put this hateful bitch out of business.