Thursday, December 28, 2006

than a box of rocks

How bad do you have to be when you're found to be "unanimously unqualified' to sit on the bench? I mean, Mr. Wallace has to be as dumb as Clarence Thomas or something!

Lawyer Asks Bush to Revoke His Nomination to the Bench

A Mississippi lawyer asked President Bush to withdraw his nomination to an appellate court, saying that he does not believe that the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee considers him a consensus nominee.

The lawyer, Michael B. Wallace, 54, of Jackson, said Tuesday that he made the request in a letter sent to the White House last week.

In November, Wallace's name was among six judicial nominations that Bush resubmitted to the Senate.

Wallace drew opposition from Democrats, civil rights groups and the American Bar Association, which for the first time in almost a quarter-century unanimously rated a judicial nominee "unqualified."

Lott said in a statement that he was disappointed that "petty partisanship" would keep Wallace off the court.