Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hey wait a minute...that's what Clinton was doing...

U.S. Offers North Korea Aid for Dropping Nuclear Plans

The United States has offered a detailed package of economic and energy assistance in exchange for North Korea's giving up nuclear weapons and technology, American officials said Tuesday.
After almost five years of George Bush playing hardass with the North Koreans he has now decided to bascially go back and do what Bill Clinton did in 1994 with the Agreed Framework.

And of course, we all know the story of Clinton being responsible for North Korea having nuclear capabilities.
"In the mid-1960s, North Korea established a large-scale atomic energy research complex in Yongbyon and trained specialists from students who had studied in the Soviet Union. The North Korean "nuclear weapons program dates back to the 1980s".
The 1980's? Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas in the 1980's.

There's speculation that North Korea may have had two nuclear bombs when Clinton took office in 1993 and they still only had two when he left in 2001*.

And now, after six years of George Bush's stubborness with ignoring the policies of Bill Clinton - policies that he will revert back to now, how many nuclear weapons do the North Koreans have ? "We’re looking at roughly eight nuclear weapons".

I sure feel better knowing Bush has a handle on that 'axis of evil' thing.

*Secretary of State Powell stated in December 2002 that “We now believe they[North Koreans] have a couple of nuclear weapons and have had them for years.”- source
More Colin Powell on Bill Clinton's North Korea Policy~ "The previous administration I give great credit to for freezing that plutonium site," he said. "Lots of nuclear weapons were not made because of the Agreed Framework and the work of President Clinton and his team." - 1/8/03