Gen. George W. (another George W?) Casey has “decided to recommend a ’surge’ of fresh American combat forces” in Iraq.
But exactly one year ago, Casey rejected a troop increase in Iraq and recommended to President Bush that the number of U.S. forces should actually drop:
"As I’ve said before this is not a conventional war, and in this type of war that we’re fighting, more is not necessarily better. In fact, in Iraq, less coalition at this point in time, is better. Less is better because it doesn’t feed the notion of occupation, it doesn’t work the culture of dependency, it doesn’t lengthen the time for Iraqi forces to be self-reliant, and it doesn’t expose coalition forces to risk when there are Iraqi forces who are capable of standing up and doing it."Unfortunately Gen. Casey didn't have the testicles to stand up to Dick Cheney. Casey could have merely stuck to what he knows is the right strategy and one that is backed "unanimously" by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But no, he caved and now our troops will pay for that 'last surge'. A last surge that he knows will bring more of the same.