Friday, December 15, 2006

But, what about the good news?

BAGHDAD: Central Baghdad was gripped by panic on Thursday as a heavily armed gang in police uniforms kidnapped four dozen businessmen in a brazen daylight raid on a busy commercial street. Twenty-nine of the hostages were freed later. A convoy of sports utility vehicles of the type issued to government security forces sealed off Rashid Street near the east bank of the Tigris. Around 100 gunmen, in police uniform and brandishing the Glock pistols issued by the US military to Iraqi security forces, went from shop to shop stealing cash and seizing between 40 and 50 hostages, witnesses said.
One hundred gunmen kidnap 50 people in the middle of the day in the middle of Baghdad and Sean Hannity, Fox News and many of the other '21%ers' want you to believe that everything is going great in Iraq.

And, you're a pathetic little lamb if you believe them.