Friday, December 01, 2006

Another Hypocrite

Mitt Romney-your typical Republican

As I have often pointed out, the Republicans' leading candidates for president in 2008 are nothing but a bunch of family values hypocrites who have eight marriages between them. Newt Gingrich has been married three times, Rudy Giuliani has been married three times and John McCain is on his second and marriage and I am sure, he's getting ready for number three at any time now. All these three guys' marriages have ended because of them cheating on their wives.

Now, we have the fourth leading candidate, Mitt Romney, being exposed for being a hypocrite, too.

You can't be a Republican if you're not a liar and a hypocrite. Liar, hypocrite and Republican are all synonymous

Illegal Immigration Hardliner Mitt Romney Hires Undocumented Workers To Tend His Lawn

The Boston Globe reports today that for the past decade, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) has employed a landscaping company that relies heavily on undocumented Guatemalan immigrants. The company, Community Lawn Service with a Heart, also tended to the lawn at Romney’s son’s house.

Think Progress