Friday, November 17, 2006

Now cut the bullshit and get the hell out!

"Although the Bush administration continues to emphasize the role of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Maples described the current situation as "mostly an intra-Arab struggle to determine how power and authority will be distributed," with or without the U.S. presence. Al-Qaeda and foreign terrorist numbers were put at roughly 1,300, while Hayden, pressed by senators, estimated the number of insurgents in the "low tens of thousands." Maples estimated the number of Iraqi insurgents, including militias, at 20,000 to 30,000, and said there are many more who supply support"
Two things;

1. For all the fools who regurgitate the Bush rhetoric about fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here-shut up and sit down.

2. There are a total of 30,000 insurgents in Iraq? We’ve been training this goddamn Iraqi army for 3 years and we haven’t trained enough of them yet who can fight 30,000 of their own people?

Wake up America. Quit being a bunch of sheepish fools too ignorant to figure out you’ve been lied to by this administration and used like idiots by the Iraqis.

Get the hell out now!