Saturday, November 04, 2006

Corker's Crackers will win out

(November 3) We moved this race to Leans Republican yesterday and the recent polling data confirms Corker has now established a material lead heading into the election Tuesday. Over 50% in the RCP Average -- in a Republican leaning state -- means he is looking pretty good. Real Clear Politics
I have said all along that Harold Ford would never when a statewide race in Tennessee. I have visited Tennessee 4 or 5 times in the last 10 years and I can tell you unequivocally that the state of Tennessee is filled with racist, bigoted rednecks.

One of the first people I met on my first visit there was this half toothless moron who had a tattoo on his calf of a black man hanging from a noose. When I asked him how anyone could be so fucking stupid he looked at me with this stupid smile with a mouth half full of rotten teeth and said, I dunno.

Harold Ford never had a prayer of getting elected Senator from Tennessee. He's too good a man for the despicable morons of that state.