Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bush '"We took a thumping"

George Bush said it best today in his first news conference after Republicans were mauled by the Party that will now hold him and his co-conspirators responsible for the crimes they have committed over the last six years.

Bush is a defeated and pathetic soul and the difference between now, the day after Americans took back our country, and just the day before is remarkable. And, ever so satisfying!

America wins and the rightwing will now pay for the damage they've done to our country! One (Rumsfeld) down and several more to go!

It's a beautiful day!

"Bush said we took a “thumping” in the midterm elections but we must work together. He stressed his commitment to the bipartisan way and told Democratic leaders “We can work together over the next two years to accomplish big objectives for this year and next.” Consultations with the Democratic leadership start Thursday and Friday. He promised to provide briefings to the new members of congress".