Friday, November 03, 2006

Bush has an open slot on Monday's

Grease me up, George!

Ted Haggard, the now disgraced Colorado pastor talked every Monday to either George Bush, Karl Rove or some one else at the Bush White House to give his advice on what the 'flock' needed.

You never know with these sleazebag Republicans (Bush might now invite him to stay in the Lincoln bedroom since he lost Jeff Gannon/Guckert) but there may be an opening on Bush's calendar on Mondays now.

Evangelical leader leaves posts amid gay-sex scandal;
Talked to President Bush or advisers every Monday

The leader of an influential Christian 'megachurch' who has ties to the White House has resigned his authority amid allegations that he had used drugs and had a homosexual affair with a male prostitute.

The Rev. Ted Haggard, who until Thursday was President of the National Association of Evangelicals, has apparently admitted to some of the claims made by Mike Jones, a bodybuilder and personal trainer based in Denver, Colorado. Raw Story