1. "As for you Americans, what you have seen in New York and Washington, what losses you see in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the media blackout, are merely the losses of the initial clashes,"
2. "If you go on with the same policy of aggression against Muslims, you will see, God willing, things that will make you forget the horrors of Vietnam and Afghanistan." "To the people of the crusader coalition ... our blessed Sheikh Osama has offered you a truce so that you leave Muslim land. As he said you will not dream of security until we live it as a reality in Palestine,''
3. "Our message to you is clear, strong and final: There will be no salvation until you withdraw from our land, stop stealing our oil and resources and end support for infidel [Arab] rulers." "Our condition, thanks to God, is improving from good to better. Your conditions are the opposite...With God's blessing, the Mujahadeen were able, time after time, to infiltrate the security measures taken by the unjust allied countries. The proof of this is the series of bombings which you have witnessed in these evil countries' most important capitals".
The first two messages are from August, 2005. The third one is from January, 2006. In other words, don't give us that bullshit about Al-Qaeda now making all these threats because Democrats have taken over Congress. Al-Qaeda has done this all along.
The real travesty in all of this is that Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are still capable of making these threats and that's the fault of the Bush Administration. They are the ones who left the mission in Afghanistan to pursue their needless invasion of Iraq.
If Democrats had been in power in the first place we as a country would never have attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and wasn't a threat. Democrats would have finished the fight in Afghanistan and bin Laden and Al-Qaeda would not be taunting us now.
Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda have always been thankful that Bush turned away from them in the mountains of Afghanistan. Democrats would never had made him so happy.
And as for that nonsense about giving the terrorists a sign that we're weak if we leave Iraq before the job is done? They only need to be reminded that we kicked the shit out of the Taliban in about a month and marched to Baghdad in a week. And we can come back at a moment's notice to do it again any goddamn time we want.
The real travesty in all of this is that Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are still capable of making these threats and that's the fault of the Bush Administration. They are the ones who left the mission in Afghanistan to pursue their needless invasion of Iraq.
If Democrats had been in power in the first place we as a country would never have attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and wasn't a threat. Democrats would have finished the fight in Afghanistan and bin Laden and Al-Qaeda would not be taunting us now.
Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda have always been thankful that Bush turned away from them in the mountains of Afghanistan. Democrats would never had made him so happy.
And as for that nonsense about giving the terrorists a sign that we're weak if we leave Iraq before the job is done? They only need to be reminded that we kicked the shit out of the Taliban in about a month and marched to Baghdad in a week. And we can come back at a moment's notice to do it again any goddamn time we want.