Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Turn out the lights...

The party's over...

Independent Voters Favor Democrats by 2 to 1 in Poll

Two weeks before the midterm elections, Republicans are losing the battle for independent voters, who now strongly favor Democrats on Iraq and other major issues facing the country and overwhelmingly prefer to see them take over the House in November, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Independents are poised to play a pivotal role in next month's elections because Democrats and Republicans are basically united behind candidates of their own parties. Ninety-five percent of Democrats said they will support Democratic candidates for the House, while slightly fewer Republicans, 88 percent, said they plan to vote for their party's candidates.

The independent voters surveyed said they plan to support Democratic candidates over Republicans by roughly 2 to 1 -- 59 percent to 31 percent -- the largest margin in any Post-ABC News poll this year. Forty-five percent said it would be good if Democrats recaptured the House majority, while 10 percent said it would not be. The rest said it would not matter.
Let's face it, thirty-one percent (31%) of the people in this country call themselves 'Republican', while 37% call themselves 'Democrat' and because Republicans are better at getting out the vote, it's usually about even in elections. So, it always comes down to what those people who call themselves 'Independent', do. And, this year, 'Independents' have finally pulled their collective heads out their asses and realize what a goddamn mess the country is with Republican in control.

About time!