Monday, September 18, 2006

Rick 'Man Dog' Santorum Losing It

As the '06 election nears, Democrats and Republicans alike are searching for easily recognizable figures to target their criticism. As Democrats strike out at embattled Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), whose re-election is largely in doubt, Republicans are focusing their attention on talk show co-host Rosie O'Donnell, RAW STORY has learned.

"Rick Santorum is losing it," a statement from the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee begins, "and we’re not just talking about his campaign."

This weekend, Santorum reportedly accosted a Pennsylvania reporter, saying "I have to raise tens of millions of dollars because of the junk you feed the people of Pennsylvania.” Santorum then allegedly used an expletive to describe the reporter's coverage before going on to attack the paper.

A release issued by the DSCC includes retellings of Santorum "tantrums" on KQV radio, the Don Imus radio show, and C-SPAN--where the Senator repeatedly mouthed the word "bitch" during a debate with Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

"We are talking to Senator Rick Santorum," Imus began one segment, "who has clearly lost his temper."

Democrats also accuse Santorum of harassing a woman after striking the open door of her taxicab. The alleged harassment, according to Santorum's account quoted in the release, amounted to three phone calls for insurance information.

Raw Story