• Pennsylvania - Rick "Man Dog" Santorum, who let's face it Pennsylvanians, is an absolute embarrassment, currently trails Democrat Bob Casey by 10-12 percentage points among likely voters and by 8 points among registered voters.
Casey, who doesn't have his father's heart (I know-bad joke) and who's biggest campaign slogan is "Bob Casey: Well... he's not Santorum", will be the Senator from PA come this November. Mark it down.
• Ohio - Democrat Sherrod Brown, who Rush Limbaugh was certain had to be a black man with a name like that, is leading Republican Senator Mike Dewine by 6 points among likely voters.
Dewine, a certified pansy-ass and first rate suck-up to anything George Bush wants, will be joining Rick Santorum at some K Street new employee seminar in the fall. That's 2 seats out of the 6.
• Montana - Republican Senator Conrad Burns is criminally insane and I think even the people of Montana might not re-elect him this time. Burns, who is neck-deep into the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, is in a close race with Democrat Jon Tester. Tester led by 3 points among likely voters; Burns led by 2 points among registered voters.
You would think the Montana seat would be a certainty for the Democrats but we are talking about Montana, where I guess all that clear air doesn't always equate to common sense. Close call-go with Tester and the Democrats. I have this as one of the six. It's hard to believe it's even in question.
• Missouri - Jim (No Talent) Talent holds a very slim lead among likely voters over Democrat Claire McCaskill. The two were tied among registered voters.
Well again, we are talking about Missouri. Talent, who's strongest causes are for banning flag burning and stem cell research, is also closely tied to Jack Abramoff's and Tom Delay's money laundering scandals. It would be nice to get rid of one of the true Republican Neanderthals in the Senate. You have to believe the people of Missouri can figure this out. Go with McCaskill and the 4th seat gained in a squeaker.
• Rhode Island - Here's one of my favorite Senate races. Poor Lincoln Chafee. One of the few Republican Senators that's actually intelligent, Chafee may not even make it out of the September 12th primary against Cranston Mayor, Stephen Laffey. Democrats need to root hard for Laffey. That will assure a win in November for the Democrat, former state attorney general, Sheldon Whitehouse. ...Mark this seat down as one of the 6 needed. Bye Lincoln...the only Republican Senator who had the courage to vote 'no' on invading Iraq ... .....We'll take the seat anyway, though.
• Virginia - One of Republican's favorite White Citizens' Council members, George 'Macaca' Allen is running out of feet to insert into his mouth and James Webb, the Democrat and Viet Nam Silver Star and two Bronze Star's recipient (don't tell the Swift Boaters)and former Reagan administration official, is gaining fast. Nothing could be sweeter than knocking Allen out of the Senate and crushing his ridiculous desire to be President. This seat is worth more than all the rest combined.
There are two full months until the elections and anything can happen. George Bush, Cheney and Karl Rove will try once again to scare the country into voting for Republicans but it looks as though that gag might not work this time.
The Republicans can easily lose these 6 Senate seats. When you think about these 6 Republican incumbents, it boggles your mind to think they might not.