"Incumbent Chris Shays is one of the best-known RINOs in the House, and has been very popular in his liberal district, BUT he supports the Bush policies on the Iraq War and national security generally, which is not a popular position there. The Democrats have nominated Diane Farrell again - last time she gave Shays the closest race he had ever had, and the big issue was the war. Time for a rematch".
Wizbang Politics
Sorry Shays. As Republicans go, you're a whole lot better than 99% of them, but you're still a Republican and you've been a Bush apologist on the Iraq War fiasco right from the start. Well, an apologist up until a couple of days ago when you finally realized that your constituents are from Connecticut and not Mississippi.
It's time go Shays. The House needs oversight not a suck-up to the loser in the White House.