Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Bush talking point shot down

Sunni Coalition forms to combat 'al-Qaeda in Iraq'
A newly formed Sunni insurgent coalition on Monday accused al-Qaida of killing 12 of its senior members in Baghdad's Dora neighborhood in a new sign of rifts between Iraq's militant groups.

The coalition, called the Jihad and Reform Front, was formed by at least three insurgent groups in an apparent attempt to counterbalance the Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group led by al-Qaida in Iraq.
If we leave Iraq al-Qaeda will have another base to operate from? No they wouldn't. The Iraqis would not allow it and they would do a much better job of eliminating the 'foreign' fighters from their country than we can. The Iraqis know the enemies among themselves.

And these are the Sunnis going after these al-Qaeda-lite operatives. The Shia would be even more ruthless in throwing them out of Iraq.

Bush and the wingnuts who stupidly follow along have used that lame-ass talking point that al-Qaeda will take over Iraq if we leave and that is total nonsense. They say this all the while knowing that our own Defense Intelligence Agency has said the total number of 'foreign fighters' in Iraq is only between 4%, and 'less than 10%' (1,200-3,000) of the total 30,000 insurgents.

When we leave Iraq those 1,200 to 3,000 foreign fighters will not last a month and we are seeing proof of that now.

Wake up fools. Quit falling for these stupid talking points. Do a little thinking on your own and stop letting Bush scare you. And grow a pair of testicles while you're at it.

The gig is up on another Bush talking point.