"MyDD's Matt Stoller is reporting that House Democrats have added the trade issue to a joint Whip/Caucus meeting tomorrow at 9:00am. The move follows Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel's move yesterday to block a previously scheduled meeting on trade. Emanuel, one of the chief architects of NAFTA, has been using his chairmanship to block rank-and-file Democrats' request to hold a debate about the trade deal. Now, with growing pressure on the Democratic leadership to reject the deal, a new meeting has been set."
David Sirota as usual, is fighting both Democrats and Republicans on doing what's right for middle-class workers when it comes to unfair trade in this country.
Since 1980 when Ronald Reagan came into power to knock down the middle-class worker, right through Bill Clinton's complicity with signing NAFTA and GATT, and through the current idiot in the White House, the deck has been stacked against our middle class workers. And now we have a block of Congressional Democrats, led by former Clinton NAFTA cheerleader, Rahm Emanuel, once again taking their cue from corporate lobbyists instead of the American worker.
You can't fucking win for losing with these bastards!
Read Sirota's two pieces on this. It's well worth it.
Also, here's more from 'The Nation', "Dems Sell Out on Trade"