Saturday, August 26, 2006

4th Congressional District of Connecticut

Diane Farrell

"Incumbent Chris Shays is one of the best-known RINOs in the House, and has been very popular in his liberal district, BUT he supports the Bush policies on the Iraq War and national security generally, which is not a popular position there. The Democrats have nominated Diane Farrell again - last time she gave Shays the closest race he had ever had, and the big issue was the war. Time for a rematch".

Wizbang Politics

Sorry Shays. As Republicans go, you're a whole lot better than 99% of them, but you're still a Republican and you've been a Bush apologist on the Iraq War fiasco right from the start. Well, an apologist up until a couple of days ago when you finally realized that your constituents are from Connecticut and not Mississippi.

It's time go Shays. The House needs oversight not a suck-up to the loser in the White House.

Friday, August 25, 2006

7th Congressional District of Pennsylvania

Joe Sestak

Pennsylvania Battleground

"One of the interesting contenders in what was once an uphill race to unseat an incumbent Pennsylvania congressman is Admiral Joseph Sestak, 54, a 31-year Navy veteran who served six tours of duty, including combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is running against Republican Curt Weldon, who isn't used to getting much of a challenge.

As Sestak has drawn almost even in fund raising, Weldon has gone on the attack. The Pennsylvania Republican Party tried swift-boating Sestak, accusing him of violating the Uniform Military Code by wearing his uniform while campaigning. Sestak struck back with language from the code allowing the uniform to be worn at memorial services, which is where he wore it while reading the names of the war dead at a Memorial Day ceremony.

Some of Weldon's attacks have fizzled. He accused Sestak of plagiarizing his health-care plan from the Progressive Policy Institute until the policy research group said it had offered it to him. Another broadside flopped when Weldon criticized Sestak for having his daughter treated at Children's Hospital in Washington rather than a local hospital in Pennsylvania. Sestak, whose child is recovering from a malignant brain tumor, quickly won that point.

Find the WMDs

One of Weldon's self-inflicted wounds remains open. The congressman, who never served in the military, said the ``jury is still out'' on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a statement at odds with the findings of commissions set up to investigate. Even the president has now said that WMDs weren't in Iraq".
Margaret Carlson

The Democrats should not have any problem taking Curt Weldon's 20-year seat. If the people of the 7th Congressional District of Pennsylvania have any sense or pride whatsoever, Joe Sestak should win that seat in a landslide.

One of the '15 Seats'.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

John McCain...look at that namby-pamby. Is that what the Republicans are going to put up in 2008?

Grow a pair Senator....

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bob Geiger's "Dems for Lamont"

Nice piece from Bob Geiger on his pursuit to nail down the Democrats in the Senate who are supporting their fellow Democrat, Ned Lamont, for the seat that the Republican's favorite Democrat, Joe Lieberman, currently occupies. After a week Geiger was able to get only the 27 Senators shown above to commit to Lamont, while the 16 below showed their gutlessness.

Democratic Underground

Why is that?

New Poll Reaffirms that Americans Oppose Congressional Attacks on a Woman's Right to Choose

"Roughly three quarters of likely voters (77 percent) agree that the government and politicians should stay out of a woman’s personal and private decision whether or not to have an abortion".

"61 percent of voters disapprove when they hear Congress has voted 145 times in the last 10 years to restrict reproductive-health services, including abortion and birth control".

"65 percent of voters feel less favorable toward candidates who support allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill birth-control prescriptions".

"61 percent of voters feel more negative toward a candidate who opposes making emergency contraception available in emergency rooms for rape and incest victims"
Just another reason to change the majority in Congress. How can the Party that disagrees with 77% of the populace on an issue like abortion be in power? You didn't vote for them because they could balance the budget, did you?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tide appears to be growing against GOP

"The nonpartisan Cook Political Report last week increased the number of GOP House seats up for grabs to 17 from 15; 36 seats are rated “lean Republican” or “toss up.” No Democratic seats are rated “toss up.” The Cook report labels 55 House Republican seats and 20 House Democratic seats as competitive". Continued.....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Congressional oversight

"Back in the mid-1990s, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, aggressively delving into alleged misconduct by the Clinton administration, logged 140 hours of sworn testimony into whether former president Bill Clinton had used the White House Christmas card list to identify potential Democratic donors.

In the past two years, a House committee has managed to take only 12 hours of sworn testimony about the abuse of prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison".

Susan Milligan, Boston Globe
Republicans are great at getting elected. They are miserable failures at governing. And as you can see, ridiculously partisan and criminally negligent in their role of oversight.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

No Ollie, we're not surprised at all

Thursday, August 10, 2006 - Hannity & Colmes
HANNITY: Joining us now is the host of "War Stories" right here on the FOX News Channel, Colonel Oliver North.

So here we have one of the kidnappers, Colonel, he's admitting Iran's training and involvement. The long-range rockets we know — the Iranians admit they provided to Hezbollah. And now we have members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard found among the Hezbollah soldiers killed by the Israelis.

So really, as we've been saying from the beginning, it's Iran by proxy, correct?

OLLIE NORTH, "WAR STORIES" HOST: This should not come as a surprise to anyone. It surely does not come as a surprise to the Israeli Defense Forces. They've known for years that the Iranians were actively engaged.

We should have known it since 1983, when they blew up — this is Hezbollah, again — blew up our U.S. marine barracks in October of '83 in Beirut, and they've been attacking Americans and Israelis ever since....

Of course Fox News and Hannity & Colmes would feature Oliver North on what Iran supplies Hezbollah. Afterall, North sold the Iranians 10,000 TOW missiles right out of the basement of the Reagan White House. And that was AFTER Hezbollah killed our 241 Marines in Beirut!

Some real 'great Americans', there, huh Sean?